Ceramic veneers- hollywood smile forever!

  • Ceramic teeth veneers
  • What are veneers
  • Types of veneers on teeth
  • Advantages of placing ceramic veneers in «Lumi-Dent»
  • Advantages of dental veneers
  • Direct composite tooth veneers
  • Ceramic veneers without grinding, preparation
  • Indications for porcelain veneers placing
  • Placing ceramic veneers – how to place (stages)
  • Veneers life time
  • How much cost to place porcelain veneers on teeth
  • Video reviews about veneers


Ceramic teeth veneers 

Photo. Here is such a beautiful Hollywood smile with ceramic veneers we received from our patient, after plates bonding.

Veneers for teeth price reviews photos Kyiv Ukraine Lumi-Dent

Attention! Offer is valid till 30.04.2025 - 7% discount on the total amount of ceramic veneers. Hurry up, the number of offers for veneers discount is limited! 

What are veneers

Veneers - are very thin ceramic or composite onlays that are placed on the outer side of the front teeth, their thickness is 0.4-0.6 mm.

First of all, veneers are made and place to give the front teeth a beautiful shape and color, which will make your smile beautiful and pearly whites, almost for all life!


Veneers for teeth price before and after photos reviews Kyiv Lumident

Ceramic Veneers on teeth before and after photos Kyiv price Lumident

Porcelain veneers without preparation photo reviews price Lumident

Types of veneers on teeth

Depending on the shape and degree of tooth preparation - ceramic veneers are divided into:

  • Classic veneers - have a thickness of about - 0.6 mm, respectively, exactly the same enamel thickness is cut from the outside.
  • Thin veneers, or refractory, or ultraneers - have thickness of about 0.1 - 0.2 mm, enamel is either polished minimally or not grinded at all - it all depends on the specific clinical situation. These porcelain veneers are made in Kiev, Ukraine. 
  • Lumineers - the same type of ultra thin porcelain veneers, but made in the USA - the only Den-Mat laboratory in the world. Another name "Hollywood veneers" - have a patented mega-strong structure structure that provides excellent porcelain veneer`s strength with an incredibly thin structure.

Depending on the material of manufacture - the outer teeth veneers are divided into:

  • Ceramic, they are porcelain veneers - are made from modern imported finished ceramic blocks, using ultra-modern digital technology (a distinctive advantage of «Lumi-Dent»!) - by grinding in a special milling machine, in our own dental laboratory. 
  • Composite or therapeutic veneers (componeers) - in fact, the same photopolymer filling, or artistic restoration - has a lot of flaws - they change shape and color over time, collect plaque on themselves, are less resistant to abrasion and chips. Main advantage of composite teeth veneers is fast manufacturing in 1 visit to the dentist.
  • Hollywood veneers – they are lumineers. Have a secret patented formula that provides excellent strength, despite the minimum thickness of porcelain veneers. 

Photo. Ortopedist Gorin D. with his patient after porcelain veneers fixation.

Teeth ceramic veneers photo pics Lumi-Dent

Advantages of placing ceramic veneers in «Lumi-Dent»

  • We always have a free teeth veneers consultation of dentist!
  • Full comfort while veneers development! Medical manipulations are done under reliable unique STA computer anesthesia - without a syringe. Even the process of an anesthetic injection is painless. Also, if the client wishes, all procedures for the placing of porcelain veneers can be done in a state of medical sleep. You calmly fall asleep, and wake up after the procedure. You remember nothing and don’t feel anything, while you are in the doctor’s chair. In clinics, professional anesthesiologists are constantly working. There is a medical license for anesthesiology. In this regard, our clinics are unparalleled;
  • The dental microscope in our clinics is always used when placing porcelain veneers. The microscope allows you to repeatedly bring the image of the working field, which significantly improves the teeth veneers quality. Today, the use of an operating microscope is an indispensable factor in the quality of services for placing teeth veneers;
  • You may immediately see the final result of your smile with veneers on teeth - at the first consultation - based on photos of the work of many of our patients, they are presented on this page and in the "Our work" section. Also, during the work, the doctor tries on wax models of future porcelain veneers for you - you may immediately make the desired correction - even at the planning stage;  
  • You do not go with an ugly smile during treatment! In the process of veneers making, you are placed temporary plastic veneers for the teeth, which are exactly the same in shape as the ceramic ones - you have the opportunity to get used to the form, ask the opinions of relatives and friends, and even before the work is done, make a correction of the size of future ceramic veneers. In addition, such temporary teeth veneers reliably protect the external tooth surface from the effects of temperature and chemical irritants. 
  • Production in our own digital dental laboratory - inexpensive veneers price by digital milling machine Imes-Icore 350i. The cost of ceramic veneers - we can do less thanks to the complete automation of their manufacturing - the presence of the Imes-Icore 350i digital milling machine. Such a milling machine itself grinds ceramic veneers from special blocks - according to a digital computer model. Thus, we significantly save on staff salaries. And the result is always higher teeth veneers quality, since the human factor is excluded. This is the newest and most promising technology available today. Full quality control, short prosthetics. Free porcelain veneer change in the event of a warranty case.
  • The main thing - is we do not just talk and do not write about how we can make beautiful smiles by teeth veneers. We show you photos of our real patients who have gotten excellent results with ceramic veneers. As you know, it is always better to trust deeds than words. 


Veneers on teeth before and after photos price Kyiv pics Lumi-Dent

Advantages of dental veneers

  • Dental tissues for teeth veneers are grinded minimally - only the outer surface of the teeth is up to 0.6 mm;
  • Excellent level of aesthetics of veneering - placed porcelain veneers have excellent sizes, shape, light shade (we recommend the colors of bleach 2 and bleach 3), with typical transparency for healthy teeth;
  • Excellent color fastness - when teeth veneering placed onlays (teeth veneers) do not change color, do not stain from food colors, coffee, smoking;
  • About porcelain veneers on teeth - patient reviews on aesthetics and use are extremely good. Customer reviews on our website in the section "About Clinics" - "Reviews";
  • Low veneers price;
  • Long life of porcelain veneers - can stand almost all of life (subject to the rules of hygiene and nutrition);
  • Teeth veneers manufacturing in our own dental laboratory - complete quality control of work, short terms of prosthetics by ceramic veneers. Free veneers replacing during warranty.

This is a unique aesthetic (a radiant Hollywood smile) with virtually no grinding of dental tissues. WORK OF OUR DOCTORS - SPECIALISTS, VENEERS PHOTOS BEFORE AND AFTER THE END OF PROSTHETICS. COLOR OF PORCELAIN VENEERS IS BLEACH 3.

Ceramic veneers teeth pics Lumi-Dent

Direct composite tooth veneers

Some clinics still offer to buy direct composite (therapeutic) teeth veneers, which are essentially a standard photopolymer filling. Such veneers made of photopolymer are significantly inferior in functionality and aesthetic characteristics to those made of ceramics.

These veneers quickly collect pigments from food, drinks and smoking, and the color of the dentition is radically darker. Therefore, the manufacture of composite veneers does not have much value among dentists and their clients. Our experts do not recommend placing composite veneers. 

To date, ceramic veneers, whose patient reviews are only positive, are one of the most popular designs in aesthetic dentistry, Ukraine and Kiev are no exception.

Ceramic veneers without grinding, preparation

A more modern way of getting a dazzling smile is Lumineers (Hollywood)- ultra-thin ceramic veneers that are put by our specialists on the method of veneering without turning or preparation of tooth enamel.

This is a method of manufacturing porcelain veneers, in which the surface of the teeth is practically not detected. Veneers without turning (preparation) is very attractive, since in this case the dental tissues are not disturbed. Such teeth veneers, if necessary, can be removed without damaging the native enamel. 

Here you may read more about lumineers.

Photo before and after veneers fixation to patient «Lumi-Dent».

Teeth veneers photo pics Lumi-Dent

Indications for porcelain veneers placing

  • Irregular shape or size of teeth;
  • Darkening of the natural color of dental tissues under the influence of dyes, antibiotics, injuries;
  • Large darkened fillings (restoration), which spoil the appearance;
  • Inhomogeneity of the surface (multiple cracks in the enamel, spots, rough surface outside, and so on);
  • Veneers are made if present of interdental spaces (tremas, diastema);
  • Incorrect position of the teeth (in common people use the term - "crooked teeth" - an inclination inward or outward from the dentition);
  • The patient's desire to get a beautiful dazzling Hollywood smile with a perfect shape of the front teeth, a great light shade.

Placing ceramic veneers – how to place (stages)

  • First appointment.

    The orthopedist discusses with the patient, then reveals the future color of the teeth veneers on a special scale, takes photo the current appearance. After that, in a special computer program, the specialist shows the patient what his future radiant, dazzling smile will be like. After discussing the correction of the size of the teeth together with the client, the data are electronically transmitted to the laboratory, where, on special equipment, exact copies of the upcoming ceramic veneers are cut out, which are worn by the visitor for the same visit.

  • Second appointment.

    The client shares his impressions with the doctor regarding the shape of future ceramic veneers, necessary corrections are carried out.

    Specialist Orthopedist grinds tooth tissue outside to a thickness of not more than 0.6 mm. A digital impression (without impression mass) - a file is made from the processed places by a special intraoral scanner. According to this file, in our own digital laboratory, on the basis of computer simulation data, constant veneers are made of special ceramic blocks.

    Using the impression, the dentist during the first visit makes, then places temporary veneers made of plastic, printed on a 3-D printer, allowing the client to smile, eat food, and also close the treated tooth surfaces from irritants (thermal, physical, chemical).

  • Third appointment.

    Doctor Orthopedist tries the finished veneers in the mouth. The doctor and the patient evaluate the conformity of shape, veneers color, size, as well as the density of their fit to previously machined tooth surface. After the approval of the work, the doctor puts ceramic veneers on a special double-cured cement. After placement, it is recommended not to give a heavy load to this area during the first day. 

Ceramic veneers (the best photos before and after see in the section "Our works") do not need special additional care, they require ordinary hygienic care, as with ordinary teeth.

Teeth ceramic veneers Lumi-Dent

Veneers life time

Such ceramic veneers will give you a dazzling Hollywood smile for a long time. Service life - from 5 years or more. In many patients, they stand successfully for more than 15-20 years. 

The service life of ceramic veneers can be a lifetime, it all depends on a number of factors, including oral hygiene, the nature of nutrition, the absence of bad habits, the presence in the body of reasons that contribute to lowering (leaving) the level of gums with age.

To extend porcelain veneers service life - you need to follow fairly simple recommendations:

  1. Follow oral hygiene;
  2. Avoid biting over hard objects - fishing line, nuts, candies, nuts-and-honey bars, etc.;
  3. Try not to eat very hot foods after very cold foods, and vice versa. For example, eat ice cream immediately after hot tea. From such rapid dramatic changes in temperature - cracks can occur in the ceramics, which will lead to the destruction of the structure;
  4. Once every six months to undergo a free examination at your dentist. 


How much cost to place porcelain veneers on teeth

Ceramic veneers price in our clinics of dentistry «Lumi-Dent» in Ukraine, Kiev, is low — only 8700 UAH per 1 tooth. 

We assure you that our porcelain veneers price offer is one of the best in Kiev.

We are leaders in the aesthetic direction in the capital, this is indicated by the photo galleries of the veneer`s smiles of our patients, there is no similar amount on any website of other clinics.

Ask yourself a question - do you want the smile you are planning? Or are you ready to buy a black cat in a poke?

The problem with the calculation is that on all websites without exceptions - only the purchase price for the ceramic veneer itself is presented, without taking into account a significant number of additional procedures (anesthesia, gum retraction, preparation, wax modeling, cementing, temporary plates for the period of production of permanent ones, and other services), which will be added to your account during the consultation with the dentist. 

Or, most likely - you will be unpleasantly surprised when you add additional amounts for each visit that you did not expect at all.

The «Lumi-Dent» team stands for honest and trustworthy attitude towards its customers. 

Therefore, we offer you (below) - tables for calculating the total cost for each stage, with the calculation of the full, final amount, based on the number of veneers that you want to install. No additional and hidden fees.  

A full calculation of total ceramic veneer prices, taking into account all additional procedures, is in the table at the end of this page. 

It also gives our recommendations on how many veneers to order, depending on the financial capabilities and needs of the client. 

At the following link you can see dentistry prices.

Video reviews about veneers

Miss Ukraine entrusted her smile to us.  

Veneers for teeth Kyiv price photo pics Lumi-Dent

Video Patient feedback on ceramic veneers fixation in our clinics in Kiev in the residential areas Poznyaky and Obolon' - you may see in the  «Reviews» section of the site.

We also highly recommend that you go to the section of our works for obtaining Hollywood smiles with veneers, there are a lot of photos before and after placement, a link to this section is at the top of this page.  

More reviews and other useful information about veneering without grinding (preparation), and how veneers from Emax ceramics are placed, can be found in the video on our YouTube channel, the link is at the bottom of the page. Or go to Youtube and search for our videos for «Lumi-Dent».

Statistics of clinics «Lumi-Dent» on 2024 year.

Placed porcelain fused metal dental crowns. 1256
Placed all porcelain dental crowns. 904
Full anatomy dental crowns from zirconium dioxide. 1453
Placement of the best veneers Emax. 1024


Tables for calculating veneers prices and terms of veneering

When viewing from a mobile phone - you can increase their size with your fingers. You can also save them as a screenshot on your phone.

For convenience, the full veneers price is indicated at the very bottom, based on the number of veneers.

Attention! Save this table on your computer or mobile phone (take a screenshot) - you will definitely need it! The full porcelain veneers price presented only in our website!

Calculation of the full ceramic veeners price in clinics «Lumi-Dent», in hryvnias, relevant for 2025 year.

Attention! Promotion until 30.04.2025 - 7% discount on the amount of teeth veneers indicated below. Hurry, the number of seats is limited!

Number of Veneers 4 8 20
Stage I (planning) Sterile set 270 270 270
Prints 2 580 2 580 2 580
Digital modeling 3 700 7 400 18 500
Retractor 215 215 215
Total cost of stage I 6 765 10 465 21 565
Stage II (fitting), 10-14 days after stage I Sterile set 270 270 270
Silicone key 550 550 550
Trying on a model 1 040 2 080 5 200
The total cost of stage II 1 860 2 900 6 020
Stage III (preparation), 7-10 days after stage II Sterile set 270 270 270
Retractor 215 215 215
Anesthesia 595 595 595
Preparation 3 480 6 960 17 400
Sensitivity removal 1 3200 2 640 6 600
Tooth retraction 640 1 280 3 200
Prints 2 570 2 570 2 570
Temporary crowns 2 840 5 680 14 200
Cementing 1 060 2 120 5 300
Manufacture 34 800 69 600 174 000
The total cost of stage III 47 790 91 930 224 350
Stage IV (fixation), 14-16 days after stage III Sterile set 270 270 270
Retractor 215 215 215
Anesthesia 595 595 595
Cementing 4 800 9 600 24 000
The total cost of stage IV 5 880 10 680 25 080
The total veneers price of I, II, III, IV stages 62 295 115 975 277 015
Number of Veneers 4 8 20


The list of manipulations, if it is necessary Price, UAH
Computer anesthesia 595
Using of extra carpule (anesthetic) 310
Retraction of mucosa (1 tooth) 180
Removal of sensitivity (for 1 tooth) 375

 * Explanation.

With a natural smile, 8-10 teeth are visible, mainly from above.

4 porcelain veneers.  Most often 4 teeth veneers placed on the upper jaw in the anterior area - the central and lateral incisors from above. This option cannot provide a full-fledged beautiful smile. 

8-10 porcelain veneers.  All teeth veneers are placed on the upper jaw. Since with a smile and a conversation you can see mainly the upper dentition. This option gives a good desired effect - you get a beautiful dazzling Hollywood smile. If you do not smile too revealingly broadly. This option is most popular with our patients - for moderate money you get a good result. 

20 porcelain veneers.  That is - 10 teeth veneers are placed on the lower and upper jaws. The best way to radically change your appearance. 

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of receiving inexpensively a very beautiful snow-white Hollywood smile with ceramic veneers forever!

You are still worried about the question - how much does it cost to put ceramic veneers? How to get a discount on the price of special dental Hollywood veneers?


Sign up now for a free consultation on dental veneers in Kiev to our dentists!

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Ceramic veneers in Kyiv in our clinics are provided by
How much does a complete set of veneers cost?
  1. 4 veneers - total price 32 870 UAH;
  2. 8 veneers - 72 830 UAH;
  3. 20 veneers - 175 060 UAH.
Date of publication: 15.09.2016
Date of edit: 10.01.2025
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