Treat teeth without pain in Lumi Dent dentistry



Painless anesthesia of teeth has always been the greatest wish of all, without exception, people who have sat in the dentist's chair.

Reliable and comfortable anesthesia in dentistry was awaited not only by the patients, but also by all the dentists who wanted their patients to feel comfortable during treatment and prosthetics. Which in turn would enable specialists to quickly and accurately carry out all the necessary medical procedures.

In dental practice, the technology of anesthesia, which still did not deliver sufficient medical services, or their implementation (administration of an anesthetic drug) was very unpleasant, and it caused pain on its own. We now mean an injection for local anesthesia.

Also, when injected with a syringe, it was necessary to administer large doses of the anesthetic drug so that it could seep (diffuse) to the desired location. After this, a sufficiently large numbness of a significant part of the face persisted for a long time, which brought serious discomfort to people who completed the procedure at the dentist.

All these factors do not cause much desire for many people look for treatment in dental clinics.

Fortunately, today for the most advanced clinics in Kiev and Ukraine - this problem is completely resolved.

We present you the latest computer anesthesia system in dentistry — STA SYSTEM (Milestone, the USA).

Forget about any unpleasant sensations in the dentist's chair! STA COMPUTER ANESTHESIA

Teeth implantation under computer anesthesia in «Lumi-Dent».

Стоматология без боли анестезия фото Люми-Дент

No one wants to treat teeth, this is a generally accepted opinion. Pain brings enormous stress and harm to the body, does not give timely request for necessary dental assistance. That sometimes leads to removal, or to complications in in the form of abscesses.

To the question - is it painful to be treated without anesthesia - there is only one answer - yes, it hurts, and it really hurts.

From now on, places appeared in Kiev where it was not painful to treat teeth with the help of the latest American computer anesthesia devices.

Dentistry without pain - the network of «Lumi-Dent» clinics in Kiev - equipped each of 15 medical rooms with such a painless system, which is a unique feature of our dental clinics in Kiev and Ukraine.

The fact is that these systems are quite expensive, and not every dentistry can afford at least one device. And what can we say about putting such a system in every medical office.


Local and general anesthesia is used.

General anesthesia - treatment under general anesthesia (sedation, in a dream) - it is also very popular and safe, and it is successfully used in all our clinics. You can read about this service in the section at the link above.

Teeth treatment under total xenon anesthesia in «Lumi-Dent».

Анестезия в стоматологии без боли фото Люми-Дент

Local elimination of sensitivity is divided into conductive (an injection is made into the area of ​​passage of the large nerves) and infiltration (inject an anesthetic solution with a syringe into the gum in the area of ​​the location of the tooth root).

However, a syringe injection in itself is quite painful and unpleasant. After the needle is injected, an anesthetic drug begins to be administered, this process is characterized by a rather unpleasant and painful feeling of bursting.

The STA computer system is completely devoid of such shortcomings, which makes it the best local anesthesia technology in modern dentistry.



Dentistry treat teeth without pain not hurt Kiev Lumi-Dent
This device provides not only complete painlessness during any dental procedures, but also complete safety, predictability, reliability, and simplicity in its implementation.

STA (Single Tooth Aneshesia System) – "System of one tooth anesthesia" – it is the only computer system in the world that monitors various types of anesthesia in dentistry.

The STA system provides absolutely painless and safe conducting of any type of local anesthesia when removals of wisdom teeth, simple teeth removals, dental treatment, without pain of dental prosthetics, surgical appointment and hygiene of oral cavity.


It has many advantages compared to anesthesia in dentistry with a conventional syringe with a needle:

  • The procedure is completely painless - the highest possible level of comfort for the patient and dentist
  • Reliable anesthesia of only one tooth root, or a limited area of ​​the gum, necessary for the manipulation;
  • There is no numbness of the lips, cheeks, tongue - a significant reduction in discomfort;
  • A significantly lower amount of anesthetic is administered, which reduces toxicity and the risk of allergic reactions;
  • Due to its high accuracy, the effect of anesthesia comes much faster;
  • Reducing stress and anxiety in the patient - instead of the usual needle, the patient sees something like a fountain pen.

Teeth treatment with computer anesthesia and dental microscope.

Anesthesia in dentistry treatment of teeth without pain Kiev Lumi-Dent


The principle of operation of this anesthetic device is that the system constantly analyzes and takes into account the level of tissue tension when a local anesthetic is introduced into them.

As you know, pain occurs when an anesthetic drug compresses the nerve endings of tissues with the introduction. The STA device provides a gradual introduction of anesthetic in such a way that nerve excitation does not occur.

Thus, dental treatment without pain with this device has become easier and safer.

The STA system has proven itself in the best dental clinics in the world and Ukraine.

The STA system is revolutionary piece of news in dentistry.

We are pleased to announce that today this system is actively and successfully used in our dental clinics.

Each of 15 medical offices of «Lumi-Dent» clinics is equipped with this technology.

All our customers are delighted with this comfortable technology, in the video reviews on our website, many patients respond with great positive comments about the STA device. The cost of all services of our clinics can be seen on the price page of dentistry in Kiev «Lumi-Dent».

We do not use ordinary syringes for anesthesia!

We care about you!

Our dentist ortopedist Glushko Alexiy with his patient.

Анестезия в стоматологии фото Люми-Дент

For those customers who are afraid of even the sound of a working dental handpiece, we are pleased to offer you to pull out your teeth without pain, and it is not painful to cure them - under general medical sedation, medical sleep.

In everyday communication, this procedure is often called "General anesthesia." This technology is safe and as comfortable as possible. It allows not only to treat teeth not painfully, but also to not remember at all the time spent in the dentist's chair.

Our clinics for painless dentistry «Lumi-Dent» - have a special license for this type of general anesthesia, experienced anesthetists are constantly working in the clinic staff.

The video - how teeth are treated under reliable anesthesia in dentistry - can be watched at the top of the page, as well as in the "Video Gallery" section. In the video, dentists talk about modern technologies used in the network of dental clinics «Lumi-Dent» in Kyiv.  

The network of dental clinics «Lumi-Dent» in numbers:

General Numbers of Staff. 202
Doctors. 48
Dental office. 15
X-ray Departments. 3
Surgical operating room. 4
Orthodontics. 5
Dental surgeons. 7
Dental therapist. 17
Orthopedists. 10
Hygienists. 3
Anesthesiologists. 2
Dental microscopes. 9
Computer anesthesia devices STA. 15
Laser devices. 2
Dental-mechanical laboratory. 1
Dental lab technicians. 5
Units of office whitenings. 4

Summary statics for some services of dentistries «Lumi-Dent» on the Right and Left banks of Kyiv, in the residential areas  Obolon', Poznyaky, Osokorky, Kharkovskyi, Bereznyaky, Rusanovka, Darnitsa, Levoberezhna – provided for 2022:

Computer anesthesia STA 6594
Procedures under anesthesia (in a dream) 165



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Prices for services
Consultation of a pediatric anesthetist 770 UAH
Dream Dentistry for children (1 hour) 4590 UAH
Nitrous oxide sedation (15 minutes) 675 UAH
Examination, consultation free
Dream Dentistry for adults (1 hour) 3900 UAH
Computer anesthesia STA 595 UAH
Date of publication: 16.09.2016
Date of edit: 14.06.2024
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