Lumineers, hollywood veneers- Ukraine price

  • Promotional action!!! Discount for installation of original Lumineers Cerinate 25 %!
  • Veneers or lumineers What is better
  • What are the lumineers
  • An advantages of Hollywood lumineers
  • Contraindications for the installation of Hollywood lumineers
  • Disadvantages of Lumineers Cerinate

Promotional action!!! Discount for installation of original Lumineers Cerinate 25 %!

Order the original ceramic hollywood veneers "cerinate" in our clinic for unexpected price - total 18700 UAH! Only until 30th of April!

This service in our clinics «Lumi-Dent» (Kiev, Ukraine) is provided by a board-certified specialist according to the original Lumineers Cerinate - Glushko Alexey Sergeevich, who passed the courses and is certified by the world's only Den-Mat laboratory (USA, California).

This information can be checked at the official website Den-Mat. At the official lumineers website there is a list of specialists in Ukraine, who are certified by the original manufacturer.

When you visit our clinic it`s possible to see an original lumineers certificate of a specialist.

Photo. Hollywood veneers of our patient.

Lumineers photo pics Lumi-Dent

Veneers or lumineers What is better

Also it is possible to choose an alternative – classic veneers. It price per 1 pc. - 8700  UAH.

The main difference is that for the installation of Hollywood lumineers not needed to grind an enamel, because of their minimum thickness – only 0.2 mm.

For the classic ceramic veneers - teeth enamel are processed to 0.8 - 1 mm from outside. For all other parameters (term wearing, teeth appearance, etc.) – lumineers and veneers have no differences.

More information about classic ceramic inlays, the before and after photos look here

Photo of hollywood veneers in «Lumi-Dent».


Lumineers photos before and after

Hollywood dental veneers


What are the lumineers

  • Lumineers Cerinate — the author's development of laboratory specialists Den-Mat (USA).
  • Lumineers are the finest ceramic inlays, that made individually and are attached to the outer teeth side, thereby correcting any cosmetic defects.
  • Hollywood veneers are made of incredibly strong ceramic mass, which has no analogues – it`s thickness is not more than 0,2 - 0,3 mm - like the eye lens has.
  • Lumineers do not require a tooth preparation - just for 2 visits to a dentist you get a dazzlingly beautiful smile without harm to your teeth!

Lumineers on teeth

An advantages of Hollywood lumineers

  • Irreproachably! We realize our dream of an ideal smile.
  • Simply! No special care is needed, lumineers do not break down, they do not change color.
  • It's been tested! The first lumineers were installed in the USA more than 25 years ago and have no claims to date! Great customer reviews!
  • Sparingly! During lumineers installing it is not necessary to treat the teeth!
  • Quickly! For hollywood veneers placing need only 2 visits to a doctor are necessary for their installation!
  • Painlessly! The lumineers installation procedure is completely painless!

Contraindications for the installation of Hollywood lumineers

  • For people suffering from bruxism.
  • At strongly expressed teeth overcrowding or abnormalities of occlusion. First, in such situation, it is recommended to pass an orthodontist consultation and to align the rows of teeth.
  • Extremely dark color of native teeth. In that situation preference is given to classic veneers, due to their greater thickness for masking the color.

Dentist Gorin Dmitriy with client after lumineeers done.

Lumineers USA original photo Lumi-Dent

Disadvantages of Lumineers Cerinate

By cons of the ceramic Hollywood lumineers can be attributed, unless, the more expensive cost compared to the classical designs, which are manufactured in «Lumi-Dent» own digital laboratory.

The «Lumi-Dent» in Kyiv decided to reduce that minor lumineer`s minus for our valuable customers – the price of it`s installation.

Now we offer the promotional actions until the end of this month – the cost is only 18700 hryvnas per 1 lumineer!

Do not miss your chance! Lumineers consultation of our dentist is free!

For your information, the original lumineers are manufactured only in one place – in Denmat laboratory (California).

Consultations in clinics "«Lumi-Dent»" in Ukraine on the Left Bank of Kiev, on the neighborhoods Poznyaki, Osokorki, Berezniaky, Kharkovskyi, Solomyanka – is free.

The price of lumineers is special-offer now, hurry up to order them for unprecedented low cost.

The clients' videoreviews its possible to watch at the webpage "Reviews".

Summary statistics for some provided services for 2023:

Installation of lumineers 110
Installations of all-ceramic dental crowns 604
Installed full-contoured anatomical-shaped zirconium crowns 1053
Installed veneers 812
Make the best choice!
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Our dentists
Date of publication: 15.09.2016
Date of edit: 10.10.2024
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