59 Dentists- Lumi Dent in Kiev

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The medical staff of dentists of «Lumi-Dent» clinic in Kiev consists of doctors of five major specialties

1) Orthodontists - specialize in correcting malocclusion of adults and children. At our clinic 11 professional orthodontists receive patients on regular basis.

2) Dental surgeons, they are also implantologists - perform surgical dental manipulations, such as tooth extraction, cyst resection, periodontal surgeries, bone plastic surgery, sinus lifting. The main direction of surgeons to date is the implantation of teeth - the most frequent procedure in our dental clinic. The team of doctors consistently work 9 good dental implantologists.

3) Dental orthopedists, they are also prosthetists - perform prosthodontic treatment of teeth with all known types of prostheses. Prosthodontist install crowns, bridge restoration, arch bars and removable constructions, including those based on implants. The prosthodontist works in close contact with surgeons-implantologists, when planning the work with implants, all consultations on implantation are always performed in our clinic jointly, in the presence of doctors of these two specializations. Dental prosthodontists also work together with technicians from our own digital laboratory, equipped according to the latest digital technologies. Up to date, our equipment allows the prosthodontist to make digital prints - without using dental impression compound. Applying the computer program, the prosthodontist performs prosthetic and crown modeling, and then the special equipment grinds or prints them from special modern dental materials. A separate direction of dental prosthetics is aesthetic dentistry - manufacturing of ceramic veneers, ultrathin veneers - lumineers, ceramic inlays. Medical staff of dentistry «Lumi-Dent» in Kiev consists now of 4 professional dental prosthodontists.

4) Dentists therapists - perform all kinds of elimination of pain in the teeth, root canal treatment, are engaged in filling and art restoration of teeth. Doctors of this specialization are also responsible for the treatment of gums, professional hygiene cleaning from plaque, pigment and dental calculus. Our team in Kiev consists of professional dentists of this specialization- 7 specialists.

5) Hygienists - are engaged in professional hygiene of the oral cavity, removal of pigment and calculus. This is the most popular and most frequent procedure in properly organized private dentistry. It is with hygienic cleaning almost any treatment begins in our clinic, except some cases when the patient has an acute pain in tooth. We have highly skilled dental hygienists - 3 specialists.

Additionally, if needed, anesthesiologists, gnatologists, osteopaths, psychologists take an active part in working with our visitors.


Хорошие врачи стоматологи Киев Люми-Дент

The responsibilities of each doctor of «Lumi-Dent»:

1) Be polite and careful

2) Be honest with the client

3) Always offer alternative solutions of the problem

4) Try to provide as much as possible the most accurate price of the forthcoming treatment to the client

5) To inform in advance the price of the next visit

6) To stay in touch regularly and worry about the patient's stay the day after the visit of the clinic

7) To follow carefully the period of execution of works as well as the time of reception of the patients

8) To apply the most innovative technologies available in modern dentistry

9) Never inflict pain to the patients

10) If necessary, to attract doctors of related specializations, to assure the most objective and useful consultation and treatment for the patient

11) To be always individually responsible for the quality of the performed work

All doctors are professional and very attentive to our clients - these are two obligatory factors for any dentist working at «Lumi-Dent»!

Date of publication: 23.10.2021
Date of edit: 02.05.2024
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